Silo filter plants for stone wool industry
Two steps to success
Silo filter plants are used in the mineral wool industry to filter out coarse and fine suspended particles. Production-related dust is extracted from the extraction points in the production line. First, coarse suspended particles are filtered out and fall to the bottom of the silo. Next, the coarsely cleaned raw gas is sucked through the filter cartridges, whereby fine suspended particles are filtered out. The clean gas can be thus released into the atmosphere. Filter cartridges are cleaned by compressed air and fine suspended particles fall to the bottom of the plant. This material can be stored here and discharged through a system agreed with the customer. If there are solid parts in the extraction air, a further step is added at the beginning to clean the air.

Main characteristics
- Filtering solids, fine and coarse suspended particles
- Dust type: Mineral wool dust
- Residual dust content:
Filter medium: Cartridges
Volume flow: 20,000 - 60,000 m³/h
Extraction points: saw dust from saws and edge trim shredders
Discharge with round scrapers or scraper fingers via screws into containers
Main advantages
- Sturdy construction
- Customized design due to customer's requirements
- Long service life due to wear-resistant design